Thursday, March 12, 2009

CD cover assignment part 1

Band name: Belsand
Title of CD: the mysteries that challenge you
Style of music: rock Personality of “Belsand”: I think that they are rock, with maybe an edge, almost just like any rock band.

Rock music: defined as mainstream, started in the 1950’s. Late 1960’s – 1970’s rock music developed into different subgenres. A rock band revolves around lead singer, bass guitarist, electric guitarist, drummer, this forms a quartet.
Rock and roll evolved in the States in 1950 and spread to the rest of the world.

CD covers from other rock bands:

Led Zeppelin. CD name: Mothership. Led Zeppelin is one of the best rock bands and was a big hit in the United States.

The Beatles, CD name: Love. One of the older bands, but still right behind Led Zeppelin as the best rock band.

Aerosmith. Name of CD: Devil’s Got A New Disguise. A modern band today, and the band is popular and one of the best rock bands.

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